Friday, March 26, 2010

Production: The Playing Mantis Fire Dancers

A few of the Stamphill team met up with "Mantis" and "Snap Dragon" of the Playing Mantis fire performer team to create their promotional video entitled "Ruins". Set at a construction site where some buildings were in the process of being demolished, we found the location to have a perfect look of grit for the video's aesthetic. Tim and MB of the Playing Mantis donned several outfits during the day to complement the terrain and set out to burn a great video. The day's overcast weather was perfect to give a dreary look to the video while still allowing enough light to balance exposure for the performers and obtain tremendous detail in the flame.

The video was shot on the RED One camera at 2K resolution shooting 120 fps for incredible slow motion.

Cast: Mantis and Snap Dragon of the Playing Mantis fire performers
Crew: Mitch Martinez (Director/DP), Jeff Vernitsky (AC), Schwa Rox (PA), Sun Kim (PA)

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